Current Status of ICT Education Surrounding Schools in Mie Prefecture
In 2020, the word “programming” appeared in the curriculum guidelines enforced at elementary schools as part of efforts by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to realize 21st century education. and spread rapidly in the last year"ICT Education"The word.
Among our readers who have elementary and junior high school children,What exactly is “ICT education”?Isn't there some people who feel doubts?
ICT is an abbreviation for "Information and Communication Technology", and is translated as "information communication technology" in Japanese. in short,ICT education means "digitalization of education"andA general term for education using information communication technology such as personal computers, projectors, wireless LAN, e-learning, digital textbooks, learning software, and electronic blackboards.It is.
For children who receive compulsory education, the national plan "GIGA School Concept" to prepare a PC for each student and a high-speed network environment etc., learning guidance using this "ICT" at the educational site are beginning to spread at a rapid pace.
Here in Mie Prefecture, not only in elementary and junior high schools, but also in prefectural high schools, the national development plan has been brought forward and education using ICT is being fully promoted.
ICT education involving IT company Sanel
Back in September 2018, Sun-El Co., Ltd.Started programming class businessI did.
- I want to create a place where people can become familiar with the IT field from an early stage.
- I want to create opportunities for children who are good at expressing themselves through programming to notice their areas of expertise.
- I want to develop human resources who can work locally using IT skills in the future
Let's learn programming in Matsusaka City! Introducing SunL Kids Lab
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Through programming, as many children as possible who will be responsible for the future“I have many possibilities in the future, and I can acquire the power to realize them.”I started with the desire to create a place that leads to self-affirmation.
Currently, in addition to operating programming classes, San-El is actively involved in the "GIGA School Concept" advocated by the government, making use of our knowledge and skills as an IT company.
What is the national GIGA school concept?
The "GIGA School Concept" launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in December 2019,A nationwide initiative to effectively educate children living in a new era using cutting-edge technology.It is.
A long time ago, if you could use a word processor, you could do clerical work, but nowBeing able to send e-mails, of course, and to be able to use table and writing software such as Word and Excel, although there is a difference in degree, is an essential skill when entering societyhas become By the time the children of today enter society, it is expected that further changes will occur.
For children living in the future, it is required to learn effectively using ICT (Information and Communication Technology). However, depending on local governments and schools, environmental improvements are lagging and disparities are emerging.
Although it is a GIGA school concept presented by the government to schools nationwide, it is up to each local government to proceed independently. Therefore, in realizing the concept, the national government is providing various support so that the progress of each local government does not stagnate. one of them“Support and cooperation from private companies, etc.”It is.
How Sun-El, an IT company that also handles education business, is involved
At Sunel Co., Ltd., in realizing the GIGA school concept,We mainly provide support for teachers by utilizing the knowledge of IT support and programming classroom management that we have cultivated for private companies.
Originally, our company is committed to the philosophy of "a company that makes everyone involved happy". In addition, the origin of the company name is SunL, which is a combination of the English notation Sun (sun) and Local (region), because we want to be like the sun that shines on the region.
In addition, in the operation of the "programming class" launched in September 2018, we wanted children to realize new possibilities for themselves and grow up. We are creating a mechanism to accumulate problem-solving experience that leads to
At San-El, what is necessary for the growth of children is both fun and stress.Perspective that fun leads to continuation and stress promotes growthis. For this reason,Incorporating situations in class where students actively accumulate failure experiences from an early age and use them to solve problemsetc.
In this way, it was a natural choice to be involved in the GIGA school concept, with the knowledge and experience gained in the education business.
As a result, such a series of activities and achievements lead to evaluation,Selected as a member of the "Mie Prefecture Teacher Training Council", which considers recruitment standards and educational curriculum for teachers in Mie PrefectureIt was decided to be I will continue to serve until the end of March 2022.
What we are doing to realize a sustainable society
Words I've seen and heard a lot in the past yearSDGsThere is a word.
SDGs is an abbreviation for "Sustainable Development Goals" and was adopted at the United Nations Summit.Goals set by 193 member countries of the United Nations to resolve issues such as environmental problems, discrimination, poverty, and human rights problems around the world in 15 years from 2016 to 2030It is.
The SDGs include 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the fourth of which is “Quality Education for All”. This is also consistent with the philosophy of our educational business.
Why do we need quality education? that is,Because high-quality education can solve the problems of poverty and refugees not only in Japan but also in the world.It is.
“I have many possibilities in the future and I can acquire the ability to realize them.”
We at SanelI want to pass these things on to the children who will be responsible for the future.I am running a programming class with the thought. As an IT company, we believe that not only providing systems, but also nurturing the next generation through ICT education will lead to the creation of a sustainable society and contribution to the region.
What is IchigoJam? Here are some of the teaching materials used by Sun-El Kids Lab.
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