The word "DX" has been featured in various media, but I'm sure there are some of you who feel that there are issues with analog work in your company.
Normally, when introducing IT tools and systems, a large amount of money is required,By using IT introduction subsidies, some of the costs required for introduction are subsidizeddo you know of
In this article,For those who are considering applying for the IT introduction subsidy for the first time, we will introduce the eligible applicants, the types of subsidies, and the flow of procedures.I will do so.

IT introduction subsidy is a support system for companies aimed at improving productivity and promoting operational efficiency
IT introduction subsidies are intended for small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses to improve productivity and improve operational efficiency.A system in which the government subsidizes part of the expenses when introducing IT tools such as PC purchasesIt is.
By using this system, even business operators who are worried about costs will be able to promote DX more easily.
The IT introduction subsidies that have been publicly offered every year since 2017 areSubsidy of up to 4.5 million yen (in the case of 2022)so attractive.
However, in order to receive the subsidy, it is necessary to pass the examination. First, let's take a look at the eligibility criteria.
Eligible persons for IT introduction subsidies
The IT introduction subsidy covers a wide range of subsidies, and small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses in various industries can apply.
Not only small and medium enterprisesSole proprietors, social welfare corporations, medical corporations, school corporations, etc. can also apply.
However, SMEs whose taxable income exceeds 1.5 billion yen are not eligible to apply. In addition, please note that sub-subsidiaries of businesses (large companies) that do not fall under the following categories may not be able to apply.
Industry/organizational form | capital | full-time employees | |
If either the capital or the number of employees is below the following (including sole proprietorship) | Manufacturing, construction, transportation | 300 million yen | 300 people |
wholesale trade | 100 million yen | 100 people | |
Service industry such as advertising business, consulting business, professional business, BPO (excluding software business, information processing service business, hotel business) | 50 million yen | 100 people | |
retail business | 50 million yen | 50 people | |
Rubber product manufacturing industry (excluding automobile or aircraft tire and tube manufacturing industry and industrial belt manufacturing industry) | 300 million yen | 900 people | |
Software business or information processing service business | 300 million yen | 300 people | |
Hotel business | 50 million yen | 200 people | |
Other industries (other than above) | 300 million yen | 300 people | |
Other legal entities | Medical corporations, social welfare corporations, school corporations (other than the above) | - | 300 people |
Chambers of Commerce, Prefectural Federations of Chambers of Commerce and Chambers of Commerce | - | 100 people | |
An association established by a special law for small and medium-sized enterprises stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Act Foundation (general/public interest), incorporated association (general/public interest) special non-profit Active corporation | - | Number of employees listed in main industry |
Industry classification | Employee (full-time) |
Commerce and service industry (excluding lodging and entertainment industries) | 5 or less |
Lodging and entertainment industry in the service industry | 20 or less |
Other manufacturing | 20 or less |
Tools eligible for IT introduction subsidies
in 2022“Normal frame (A type/B type)” “Digitalization infrastructure introduction frame (digitalization introduction type/multi-company IT introduction type)”divided into two frames.
normal frame
SMEs and micro businessesSubsidies that can be used when introducing IT toolsIt is.
Subsidies for software costs and software installation related costsIn the introduction of IT tools that meet the company's issues and needs, it will subsidize part of the expenses.
Digitization platform introduction frame
In addition to the introduction costs of accounting software, ordering software, payment software, and EC software, from 2022,Introductory costs for PCs/tablets, cash registers/ticket vending machines, etc. are also coveredbecame.
IT introduction subsidy application and procedure flow
The number of applications is limited to 1 per SME/small business (1 corporation/1 sole proprietor).
However, for 2022, it is possible to apply for the IT introduction subsidy 2022 regular frame (types A and B) and the digitalization infrastructure introduction type during the open application period, and receive a grant decision and subsidy.
As a point of caution, when applying for the IT introduction subsidy,Procedures are required for both the "company receiving the service" and the "IT introduction support provider providing the service (hereinafter referred to as the vendor)"It is.
For this reason, the cooperation of the vendor is essential when applying.
Flow of procedures on the business side that introduces IT tools
In this article,Things to be done by business operators who introduce IT toolsI would like to introduce about
Businesses that introduce it follow the following nine steps.
Flow of procedures for introducing IT tools
- Vendor selection
- Select IT tools you want to use subsidies for
- Get a gBizID Prime Account
- Implementation of SECURITY ACTION
- Application for issuance (co-created and submitted with vendor)
- Ordering/contracting/payment of IT tools (implementation of subsidized projects)
- Business performance report
- Subsidy grant procedure
- Project implementation effect report
Step 1-2. Select IT tools for which you want to use vendors and subsidies
When applying for IT introduction subsidies, it is not possible to select and apply for a tool without permission.
It is necessary to select and apply for appropriate IT tools that contribute to productivity improvement of the company together with vendors registered with the IT introduction subsidy secretariat.
Step 3. Get a gBizID Prime Account
gBizID Prime AccountWhat isA service provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that allows you to log in to various administrative services with a single ID.That's what I mean.
In the past, it was necessary to submit documents proving the company and the person for each application, but with the gBizID prime account,Benefits of smooth application without the need for individual confirmationThere are
Step 4. Implementation of SECURITY ACTION
SECURITY ACTIONWhat isA system in which SMEs and small businesses self-declare that they will work on information security measuresIt is.
When applying for IT introduction subsidies from FY2021, the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) will implement"SECURITY ACTION"It is mandatory to declare the
Based on the guidelines for information security measures for small and medium-sized enterprises, there are two stages of action targets, "one star" and "two stars", and either declaration is required.
note that,A self-declaration to the IPAwill be Using expressions such as "one (two) stars" or "one (two) stars" on websites may cause misunderstandings by third parties. Be careful because it is a concern.
Step 5. Application for issuance (co-created and submitted with vendor)
Vendors and applicants (small and medium-sized enterprises, small businesses, etc.) communicate repeatedly, jointly create application content, select IT tools, and submit them to the secretariat from the applicant.
Step 6. Ordering/contracting/payment of IT tools (implementation of subsidized projects)
After completing the grant application and receiving a “grant decision” from the secretariat, we will order the IT tool, make a contract, and make payment.
thisIf you make a contract before receiving notification of the grant decision, you will not be eligible for the subsidy, so be careful.It is.
Step 7. Business performance report
After completing the issuance application, we will submit documents that show that we have actually ordered, contracted, delivered and paid for IT tools.
Step 8-9. Subsidy grant procedure and project implementation effect report
When the business performance report is completed, the subsidy amount will be determined and the subsidy will be issued.
The introduction of IT toolsTo be executed within about half a year from the date of grant decisionis desired.
Subsidies do not end with being paid,Obligation to report the effect of project implementation over a period of three years, comparing how much productivity has been improved through the introduction of IT tools with the plan at the time of application.I will do so.
4 Changes to IT Implementation Subsidy 2022
IT introduction subsidy 20224 major changes from 2021I have one, so I'll introduce it.
IT introduction subsidy 4 changes in 2022
- Hardware such as personal computer purchases are also eligible
- Cloud usage fee, up to 2 years
- Increased subsidy rate for accounting software, etc.
- Creation of multi-company collaboration IT introduction pattern
Change 1. Hardware such as personal computer purchases is also targeted
In fiscal 2022, hardware that is indispensable for responding to the invoice system, such as PCs, tablets, and cash registers, will also be subsidized.
What is the invoice system?
The invoice system is a system related to the delivery and storage of these documents, and the purpose is to grasp the accurate consumption tax amount and consumption tax rate of the transaction.
Change 2. Cloud usage fee for 2 years is applicable
Partly due to the impact of the new coronavirus, remote work has increased and cloud services have become widely used.
Therefore, in 2022, the cloud usage fee will beUp to 2 years worth of subsidybecomes.
Change 3. Increased subsidy rate for accounting software, etc.
Among IT tools including SaaS,The subsidy rate will be raised from 1/2 to 3/4 or 2/3 for accounting software, ordering software, payment software, and EC software.You can
Change 4. Creation of multi-company collaboration IT introduction pattern
Until now, we applied for introduction subsidies on a company-by-company basis.It is possible to collectively apply for systems from multiple companies, such as interlocking systems, and accompanying hardware devices.will be
The purpose is to make it easier to coordinate the introduction of IT tools by multiple SMEs and small businesses. Target organizations for subsidies are assumed to be associations of shopping districts, chambers of commerce, and business cooperatives.
When should I apply for the IT introduction subsidy?
Applications for IT introduction subsidies for 2022 have begun.
The application deadlines are as follows.
* As of August 9, 2022. Detail isTI Introduction Subsidy 2022 Business SchedulePlease refer to the.
Application Deadline for IT Introduction Subsidies | ||
normal frame (Type A/B) |
5th deadline | September 5 (Monday) 17:00 (planned) |
6th deadline | October 3 (Monday) 17:00 (planned) | |
Digitization platform introduction frame (Types of digitization infrastructure introduction) |
10th deadline | September 5 (Monday) 17:00 (planned) |
11th deadline | September 20 (Tue) 17:00 (planned) | |
12th deadline | October 3 (Monday) 17:00 (planned) |
What San-El is working on for local companies
We at SanelWe would like to tell as many business operators in Mie Prefecture as possible who find it difficult to introduce IT tools that there is a way out through digital technology, and we would like to support them so that they can take on challenges themselves and lead to successful experiences.I think.
As mentioned at the beginning, the introduction of IT tools requires a large amount of funds.
I hope that this article will help people who are interested in introducing IT tools but are having trouble raising funds!
Click here for IT introduction subsidy 2022